
Начало -> Объявление в категории: Мобильные телефоны

Добавить в блокнот Продам - Iphone 6 32gb ..$550 / Iphone 5S 64gb ..$450
Актуально до:09-01-2015
Цена:550 $

Iphone 5S 64gb(W&B)..$ 400/
Iphone 5 64gb..$ 350/
Samsung galaxy S5...$450/
Samsung galaxy S4..$ 400/
Blackberry Z 10 ...$350/
HTC X 1 .............$320/
Apple macbook pro ..$450/
Canon mark III digital camera..$700/

Sales Conditions:/

1. All are Brand new original apple sealed in box./
2. All products will be delivered to you with 3-4 days./
3. All products come with Apple international warranty./
4. All products are in USD$ currency./

Email: [email protected]/
Skype: mobilelifeltd/
ICQ: 659665165/

For all 2units you will get 1 free/
For all 4units you will get 2 free/

Contact #: +447031912148

Постоянный адрес объявления: http://job2.dp.ua/poster-45671.html

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